First Group: Positioning the bus operator as the smartest way to travel


First Bus


Transport and Logistics

What we provided

Public Relations


As a major public transport operator, First Bus comes under constant scrutiny regarding the reliability of its services. This was even more so during the pandemic when bus services had to face up to major service and funding challenges.  Our remit was to create a positive image of the business amongst key stakeholders including users, the business community and policy makers. This involved providing a PR, stakeholder engagement and public affairs service for First Bus across the South of England and Wales.

Plan of action.

  • The theme of ‘the smartest way to travel’ was established for the PR campaign to highlight the fact that using First Bus was smart in every way, including during the pandemic with the safety initiatives it introduced on board. Such a positioning enabled the bus company to tell the widest possible positive story of what the business.
  • The development of positive storylines on the company’s investment in new on-board and customer-facing technologies; the introduction of modern and sustainable buses; major new operations such as the £230 metrobus service in Bristol; and the key role it played in the local communities it served.
  • Set up regular media briefings between regional media and the company’s regional MDs to make the company as accessible as possible and to tell its stories from the angle of being the smartest way to travel.
  • Handling the company’s social media channels and supporting the company’s MDs on their own personal branding.
  • Developing and presenting a blueprint for future sustainable bus travel and using it to proactively engage with mayors and local authority leaders about ideas for sustainable travel in towns and city centres across Southern England.
  • Organising a major conference on the future of mobility in the West of England, working closely with the region’s chamber of commerce and the Mayoral office..
  • The publication of a regular stakeholder e-bulletin to keep key business and local/regional government stakeholders up to date with all the latest developments at First Bus.


  • Significant positive exposure on the company’s developments across Southern England and Wales – average of 400 press cuttings and broadcast clips every year.
  • Some 300 stakeholders attending the launches of the new metrobus routes.
  • Some 200 stakeholders attended the Future Mobility in Cities conference.
  • The business presented its plans for future bus travel to 3 councils and the Combined Authority heightening its strategic and proactive reputation, which has since led to investment in bus improvements programmes that First has benefitted from.

Clients we've served.

First Group: Positioning the bus operator as the smartest way to travel

First Bus

Rolling out Greener Footprints Week in Herefordshire

Herefordshire Council

Sustainable Vaping Week: Putting vape recycling centre stage


Securing Government Funding for Wildanet through Project Gigabit


Telling Linde Material Handling UK’s story

Linde Materials Handling UK

Establishing the world’s largest tobacco harm reduction campaign


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