Establishing the world’s largest tobacco harm reduction campaign





Trade Bodies

What we provided

Design and Digital, Public Relations


JBP devised and implemented VApril on behalf of the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA), a nationwide initiative which has now been running annually since 2018, helping to educate smokers on how to best give up their habits in favour of considerably less harmful vaping.

Plan of action.

  • Providing centrally produced marketing assets for campaign partners to download, including evidence-based messaging around relative risks of vaping to smoking and key considerations when making the switchover
  • Mobilising the UKVIA’s membership to run in-store masterclasses on how best to make the switch from conventional cigarettes to vaping
  • Gaining the support of stop smoking services, consumer organisations and international bodies to spread the message far and wide
  • Category advocacy drawing on the positive and life-changing experiences of adult vapers
  • Shock activities including a death counter highlighting the number of deaths that are attributable to smoking every year


  • Independent research from One Poll amongst nearly 2,000 vapers revealed that one in five had heard of the VApril campaign with 72% of these saying that the campaign had an influence on them transitioning over to vaping.
  • Vape trade bodies in France, South Africa, Ireland, Mexico, Spain, America, Portugal and the Netherlands have now launched VApril in their countries drawing on the UK model, making it the world’s largest tobacco harm reduction campaign in the world.

JBP created the VApril campaign over seven years ago. It is an important initiative and JBP’s expert understanding of traditional and social media has ensured that the VApril campaign is the international success that it is today, helping smokers make the life-changing decision to switch from smoking to vaping, which is evidenced to be 95% less harmful than conventional cigarettes.

John Dunne, Director General, UKVIA

Clients we've served.

First Group: Positioning the bus operator as the smartest way to travel

First Bus

Standing united behind Oxford United’s new stadium

Oxford United FC

Power to your business – a webinar series for Solarsense 


Establishing the world’s largest tobacco harm reduction campaign


Rolling out Greener Footprints Week in Herefordshire

Herefordshire Council

The Intralogistics Live series for Linde Material Handling UK 

Linde Materials Handling UK

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