Keeping our people brilliant

It’s been a difficult and challenging time for more than twelve months and every one of us have had to change our lives and adjust the way we work. For many, working from home has been a rewarding and beneficial experience.

In a world where we all experience time poverty & time pressures, not having the stress of the daily commute has meant that we’re able to enjoy our lives more: spend more quality time with our family, exercise more, prepare healthier food and of course – save money.

At JBP, our people are empowered to feel more responsible and are given the autonomy to get on with their work. Technology has made it easy for us to work remotely – but is working virtually good for everyone?

Mental health matters

Sadly, for some, working from home has taken its toll on their mental health with many people feeling anxious, lonely, and stressed. 

Certain individuals can feel isolated and disconnected from their colleagues and the business, which would have been considerably worse were it not for video technology to keep people involved and informed. So, working from home for them is not the best option.

Some need the structure and routine that working in the office provides, the social interaction with their colleagues or the guidance and face to face support of their manager. Some may not have the home environment conducive to working remotely.

Establishing a sensible work-life balance is proving a challenge for many, who have become slaves to their computers and have difficulty switching off at the end of the day or the working week.

Our responsibility as employers

We know that the move towards home working doesn’t mean that our colleagues must only work from home. They can split their time between home and the workplace and balance their time around meetings and commitments with client and staff. Our responsibility is to make sure the office environment is safe and secure for all staff who choose to work from the office.

Additionally, as employers, we have a “duty of care” to make sure we recognise the signs when people are struggling and to provide not only a place to feel comfortable but also wellbeing support.

Investing in mental health first aid

At JBP our overriding priority is the safety of our colleagues and we encourage people to talk to each other, share problems, and look out for each other. This is why we have worked with several institutions to deliver mental health awareness training for all our employees.

Furthermore, we have now established a mental health & wellbeing team, dedicated to enabling open and natural conversations to support people, increase awareness and bring about sustainable changes in attitudes and behaviour around mental health. 

Our dedicated team have been trained as official mental health first aiders and well equipped with the knowledge and skills to help support individuals, and remove the stigma associated with discussing this in the workplace.

So, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week, we at JBP are speaking out against the stigma associated with mental health. It’s ok to speak about mental health and it’s ok NOT to be ok.

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