Biden and Boris meet whilst Hancock takes the heat

BoJo and JoBi Today marks the first official meeting of Boris Johnson and the new US President Joe Biden. They meet at the much anticipated G7 conference being held in the Cornish seaside town of St. Ives. The pair are set to elbow bump their way to a proposed ‘Atlantic Charter’. The Charter has been […]
Smith Square Special: Election results and what they mean

Mayoral Results As widely predicted, Sadiq Khan (Labour) won his second term as Mayor of London rather comfortably. He won 55.5% of the popular vote after heading into a run-off with Conservative candidate Shaun Bailey. In third place was Green Party candidate, Sian Berry. Further down the scoresheet were the Liberal Democrats who lost their […]
Mayoral Elections, Sleaze Scandal and India in need

Boris denies sleaze allegations Leading the week are allegations that the PM said: “let bodies pile high in their thousands” in reference to avoiding a third national lockdown. He and his allies are denying the allegations. The trouble is, not many people believe the Prime Minister, after all, he does have a checkered history of […]
The Saturday Showdown
There’s a strange atmosphere in Westminster this week. The usual hustle and bustle of London is on hold – overwhelmed by occasional musical outbursts from Extinction Rebellion infused with police sirens, car horns and the occasional horse’s bray. While the worlds around it clash, the heart of British politics sits alongside the Thames, serenely waiting. […]
Is Boris gearing up for an early election? Sajid Javid’s fast-track spending review assessed.

Earlier this month, Chancellor Sajid Javid delivered a surprise announcement on his plans to fast-track a one-year spending review to be completed by September 2019 in preparation for Brexit. This means that Philip Hammond’s three-year Spending Review, previously planned for this summer, will now be delayed until 2020. On the surface, Mr. Javid’s motivation behind […]