Uniting the Left

Recently, former Prime Minister Tony Blair gave a speech to audiences ahead of Labour’s 120th birthday celebration. Journalists however, focused on one key aspect of Blair’s speech: How does the party go from being in opposition to being in power once again? More specifically; what role might the Liberal Democrats play in this transition. During […]
A Cabinet Reshuffle – Only Slightly

The Prime Minister’s Cabinet reshuffle yesterday was predicted to cause a shakeup; and it did, to an extent. Taking a different approach, the Prime Minster (PM) used his House of Commons office to inform ministers that they would no longer be in his Cabinet. This was to prevent the somewhat embarrassing walk to Number 10 […]
The Labour Leadership Race

During his four-year stint as Leader, Jeremy Corbyn has led the Labour Party into two general elections, two referendums, one European Parliament election and several sets of local elections. When he emerged as the front runner and stormed into front-bench politics for the first time in his 37-year career, Corbyn was relatively unknown. His low […]
The Saturday Showdown
There’s a strange atmosphere in Westminster this week. The usual hustle and bustle of London is on hold – overwhelmed by occasional musical outbursts from Extinction Rebellion infused with police sirens, car horns and the occasional horse’s bray. While the worlds around it clash, the heart of British politics sits alongside the Thames, serenely waiting. […]
Back to Parliament… again
Back to Law School, Parliament… again: MPs are set to return to Westminster after the Government’s prorogation of Parliament was brought to a premature end following the Supreme Court’s conclusion that Parliament was prorogued unlawfully. All eyes turn to the Prime Minister. Despite the English High Court’s original decision that the shutting down of Parliament […]
Back to Parliament

Back to School, Parliament: MPs are back and raring to go as today they return to Parliament after the summer recess. Refreshed, re-energised – determined. Westminster will be the setting of a theatrical display of (dis)loyalty, collusion and opportunity. Chaos looms and uncertainty is yet again the main descriptor of UK politics. So, in the […]