Communicating post Coronavirus – how the pandemic will shape the way we communicate and engage in the future

The coronavirus will affect every facet of business and communication is no exception. Coincidentally, JBP had been organising an event called Keeping up with New World of Communications focussed on the changing landscape of the function which had to be postponed due to the pandemic – a number of the themes and trends we were […]
Communicating through Coronavirus – 6 lessons for the future

The way we’ve communicated and what we’ve communicated during the coronavirus sums up who we are and what we stand for. So, what are communications takeaways from coronavirus that we can take forward into new norm. Here’s six for starters based on our advice to our clients. 1. Be clear, transparent and factual in your […]
The 50,000 question – surely a case of simple arithmetic?
As car crash interviews go, this is one for the collection. Even the most ardent Tory voters would squirm watching Culture Secretary Nicky Morgan defend the Party’s flagship policy in its manifesto, launched this week, which involves adding ‘50,000’ more nurses to the ranks of the NHS within the next ten years. The interview on […]