
Trade Bodies.

Making decisions count for trade bodies

We have a strong track record of working with trade bodies helping to achieve positive decisions in a variety of ways. They include attracting new members and bolstering the ranks and collective voice of the organisation; achieving favourable policy decisions to support the future goals and success of sectors represented by the respective associations; and helping change attitudes and perceptions and therefore behaviours amongst their respective target audiences.

We currently work for the UK Vaping Industry Association, supporting the government in its smokefree ambitions and the Independent Networks Cooperative Association, which represents alternative networks across the UK which provide gigabit capable broadband connectivity. In recent years, we have also worked for the Deceased Management Advisory Groups (a collective group of representatives from the different funeral and bereavement bodies in the UK), the Master Locksmiths Association and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

Key decision defining moments have included launching the highly successful VApril campaign for the UKVIA, which educates smokers about how to successfully transition over to vaping. Independent research has shown that the campaign has helped a significant number of smokers to give up conventional cigarettes for considerably less harmful vapes.

Clients we've served.

Telling Linde Material Handling UK’s story

Linde Materials Handling UK

Sustainable Vaping Week: Putting vape recycling centre stage


Securing Government Funding for Wildanet through Project Gigabit


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