Okay so we’re 8 days into 2021, and it’s already proving a challenge for us all; lockdown again (like the first one, but without the novelty and excitement of the unknown), civil unrest in America with Trump supporters breaking into the Capitol building (with seemingly no trouble doing so) and we’ve all likely finished the leftovers and even the sweets we didn’t want during Christmas.
That said, here at JBP we’ve still managed to hit the ground running and achieved a fair amount, for ourselves and our clients. If you’re reading this, then you’ll be experiencing our new website launched this week – thanks to some great efforts from our digital and creative talent. And if you’ve found us through social media, welcome! It’s always nice to see some new faces – you can see what we’re all about here.
For the past few years, JBP has been developing into a very different business. We still offer our core services including Public Affairs, Reputation Management and Stakeholder Engagement, but our PR function has seen constant digital upgrades. From running social media campaigns and driving lots more online content our digital PR approach has grown rapidly. We now have a dedicated in-house design studio to complement our written content with visuals, infographics and video.
Virtual reality is fast infiltrating every aspect of our lives. Through the first lockdown we adapted quickly to make sure our clients still had all the regular support they were used to, while trying to reorganise two large conferences we’d planned for 2020.
Our solution was to launch a live interview series, named ‘Rebootcamp’, inviting our guest speakers to share their thoughts on the global pandemic and how it affects their industries (feel free to watch the virtual events if you’re interested). This live series quickly developed into hosting online events for clients, featuring panel discussions, providing live Q&A opportunities and broadcasting through live social channels to maximise audience engagement and participation – a triumph for the agency and which demanded huge trust from our clients to allow us the chance to deliver these experiences, just one of the ways we’ve adapted to help deliver effective communications.
Looking ahead to 2021, we’re focused on our digital PR approach more than ever, to help our clients reach new audiences both locally and even worldwide.
We’d love to hear your goals for 2021 and how we could help you achieve them, so get in touch and speak with our team today!

Marcus Lange-Denley Senior Designer